323645 bar stools 2 pcs red faux leather

138,78 €
Pagamento Sicuro
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These bar stools featuring a simple yet stylish design offer great comfort when relaxing or having a mealThese bar chairs are upholstered in ...

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These bar stools, featuring a simple yet stylish design, offer great comfort when relaxing or having a meal.


These bar chairs are upholstered in easy-to-clean faux leather for optimal seating comfort. Supported by chromed steel frames, they are stable and sturdy. The soft foam padded seats, backrests as well as footrests make the chairs the perfect spot to relax. Thanks to the gas lift mechanism, the pub chairs are also adjustable in height. They can also swivel 360 degrees for incredible flexibility.

  • Colore: rosso
  • Material: Faux leather (60% polyurethane, 30% polyester, 10% cotton), chromed steel
  • Materiale di riempimento: gommapiuma
  • Dimensions: 50 x 46 x (87-108) cm (W x D x H)
  • Seat width: 50 cm
  • Profondità seduta: 42 cm
  • Seat height from the ground: 59-80 cm
  • Backrest height from the seat: 28 cm
  • Base diameter: 38,5 cm
  • Meccanismo di sollevamento a gas
  • 360 degree swivelling
  • Assemblaggio richiesto: Sì
  • La consegna include:
  • 2 Sgabelli da bar
  • Max. loading capacity: 110 kg
Massimo 110 kg per seduta.

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