Iberna congelatore ichh 100

232,46 €
Venduto e spedito da:Bestbe
Pagamento Sicuro
Informazioni su questo articolo

Iberna has a long experience in food storage and freezing, but above all it recognises the importance assigned by today’s consumer to “storing foods ...

Caratteristiche Principali

  • Tipo di installazione: A libera Installazione
  • Autonomia di conservazione senza energia: 11
  • Sistema di raffreddamento Freezer: Meccanico
  • Capacità totale lorda: 97
  • Classe Climatica: SN/T
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Venduto da: Bestbe

Iberna has a long experience in food storage and freezing, but above all it recognises the importance assigned by today’s consumer to “storing foods well and for as long as possible”.
Food storage is no laughing matter. Today more than ever, the concepts of nutrition, hygiene, microbiology, ecology and energy saving are increasingly close to the heart of the Iberna consumer. For example, fruit and vegetables are now playing an increasingly important role in our diet and here, Iberna combines the top food storage techniques with a level of cleanliness associated with cutting-edge energy consumption classes.

The class A+ Iberna range significantly reduces energy consumption.
No less than 25% lower than a similar Class A refrigerator. Consuming less energy not only means minimising the electricity bill at the end of the month, but also releasing a considerably lower quantity of CO2, the gas responsible for the greenhouse effect, into the atmosphere. Iberna takes care to make highly efficient products with low energy consumption levels, providing the consumer with appliances capable of meeting all their requirements.

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