Logitech crayon
42,98 €
Venduto e spedito da:Bestbe
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Informazioni su questo articolo
The Logitech Crayon tip can be damaged if the Crayon is dropped and may also wear down with use. If either of these occur, the tip will need to be ...
Caratteristiche Principali
- Livelli di pressione: 512
- Altezza area attiva: 228 mm
- Larghezza area attiva: 304 mm
- Risoluzione: 2.540 lpi
- Tecnologia di connessione: Wireless
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Venduto da: Bestbe

The Logitech Crayon tip can be damaged if the Crayon is dropped and may also wear down with use. If either of these occur, the tip will need to be replaced to avoid damage to the iPad® screen.
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