Panduit patch u/utp cat.6a lshf verde 2.5m
16,47 €
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Cat 6A 28 AWG UTP Copper Patch Cord 25 m GreenThe TX6A28 Cat 6A UTP Patch Cord is constructed of 28 AWG unshielded twisted pair solid CMLSZH cable ...
Caratteristiche Principali
- Lunghezza: 2,500
- Categoria cavo: 6A
- Schermatura: U/UTP
- Materiale della guaina: LSHF / LSZH / LS0H
- Colore: Verde
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Cat 6A, 28 AWG, UTP Copper Patch Cord, 2.5 m, GreenThe TX6A-28™ Cat 6A UTP Patch Cord is constructed of 28 AWG, unshielded, twisted pair, solid, CM/LSZH cable with enhanced performance modular plugs. The use of 28 AWG cable ensures that this patch cord has a small diameter, making it easy to install and work with. The patented tangle free latch prevents snags and provides easy release saving time on frequent moves, adds, and changes. The patch cord is 2.5 meters in length, 0.185 inches (4.7mm) nominal in diameter, and green.
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