Smartnode voip gw 4 bri te/nt 8

806,33 €
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Features 2/4/8 Ports Quality ISDN VoIP—2, 4 or 8 ISDN BRI S0 ports. Up to 10 G.722 or up to 16 T.38 or G.711 calls simultaneously ...

Caratteristiche Principali

  • VoIP: ISDN
  • Numero di porte Ethernet: 1
  • UCC: 1
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  • 2/4/8 Ports Quality ISDN VoIP—2, 4 or 8 ISDN BRI S0 ports. Up to 10 G.722 or up to 16 T.38 or G.711 calls simultaneously. Using SRTP, up to 10 simultaneous calls.
  • Full Telephony Features—SessionRouter™ allows flexible call routing and numbering plan adaptations, CLIP/CLIR, hold, transfer, 3-way conferencing (Roadmap) and much more.
  • Management & Provisioning— Web-based management, WEB Wizard, SNMPv3, command line interface, auto-provisioning separate config domain support, secure provisioning for configuration and software upgrades.
  • Network Connectivity—One 10/100/1000 Ethernet port with auto MDI-X.Ethernet. Supports VLAN, TOS and Diffserv tagging. Basic IPv6 support.
  • Full VoIP protocol support—SIPv2, SIP v2 over TLS, ISDN, DSS1, QSIG**, T.38, G.722 HD voice, RTP Security with SRTP, fax and modem bypass, DTMF relay.
  • Outstanding Interoperability—Interoperable for voice and T.38 fax with leading SIP service providers, softswitch vendors, and Asterisk™ IP-PBX.
  • High Precision Clock (HP)*** Option—DECT PBX interoperability and improved fax performance with Stratum 3 CO quality clock.
  • Supported by SmartNode™ Redirection Service—A free service enabling zero-touch mass deployments for Service Providers and Distributors with auto-provisioning servers (Learn More).
  • Why SmartNode™?
    • Patton Quality
    • Made in the USA
    • Unrivalled Customer Support
    • FREE Support and Upgrades

The SmartNode 4130 series are the next-generation ISDN BRI models of the proven market-leading SmartNode VoIP product family. The available 2, 4 or 8-port configurations fit the requirements of small and medium-sized enterprises looking for a cost-effective way to bridge PBX systems on multiple sites or connect them to a public Internet telephony service.

By connecting a PSTN line and an ISDN PBX to the SmartNode, it is secured against SIP trunk outages (fallback routing). If available, the PSTN line can also synchronize the gateway. For applications without a PSTN line available, the optional ISDN HP (high precision clock) provides error-free ISDN data and fax transmissions.
Like every Trinity SmartNode, the SN4130 comes with a built-in WEB Wizard for fast and easy configuration. You can build your own Web interface usingthe WEB Wizard functionalities.  


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